Friday 4 March 2011

Final Major Project =]

The Final Major Project is finally upon us at Hereford College of Arts.
After a very positive meeting today I'm feeling very excited about getting started :)

My propsal for the project is as follows:

The aim of this project is to produce a completed history/imformation book surrounding the subject of Witley Court in Worcestershire. The book will be similar to the structure of the Spiderwick Chronicles source book, for example stidies will be made of the lants that grow in the grounds, details of the architecture will be drawn upon.
This will inculde in depth research into the history of the estate and the surroundings, e.g owners of the house, events. I plan to use a variety of media within the project including etching.

So thats a outline of my proposal and I cant wait to get started :)

Below is a photo taken by myself of the burnt out ruined mansion which for me holds so much beauty.

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