Wednesday 25 May 2011

My Final Pieces

After producing my experiments in pastels and getting more comfortable with the media I have produced my final pieces. To get the layouts of the images I first compiled a few layout sketches on how they could be and what I remebered Witley Court to be like, then to geet the layouts accurate I went back to Witley Court and took some photos of certain points in the ruin that I felt matched the layouts that I was trying to achieve.
The actual size of each pastel drawing is A2. I tried to capture two moods of Witley Court which I feel I did : the red earthy drawings represent one mood and the dark grey drawings represent another. The red drawings depict more of a derelict shell of a building which is technically what the ruin now is. The dark grey drawings represent more the drama and mystery that is sensed when visiting the building.

Saturday 21 May 2011

Pastel Experiments

Having not worked with pastels before I found it quite difficult to control the medium to get it to act how i wanted it to. After practice however I feel I have progressed and hopefully you can see this in my experiments, the most recent being at the top of this post.
I feel this medium is more suited to the subject matter of Witley Court as a grainy, brick like texture is produced.

Thursday 19 May 2011

More pastel development drawings

These drawings are more experiments I produced in pastel. In these I feel it can be seen that I am more comfortable with the medium and am working well with it. The pastels tend to bring the subject of Witley Court to life and cause the images to appear dramatic and in a way overbearing which the buliding certainly is.

Friday 13 May 2011

New Outcome plan.....

After visiting Witley Court a number of times and having tutorials I have decided that using a pastel medium is the way forward as this will create texture in the drawings like I was trying to produce with the rubbings. Now instead of producing a book for the final outcome I plan to produce 4 large drawings in colour which depict the atmosphere, drama and the different moods that the ruin creates. I will produce some pastel experiments first to aquainte myself with the medium and get used to drawing with it. When looking at the images together an overall feel and impression of the building will be given.