Tim Burton’s illustrations emit emotion in every scene. For example these illustrations from “Vincent” show exactly what the character is feeling without the use of any words or hints. From simple pencil sketches it can be seen that the character Vincent is clearly unhappy This appeals to me as I would like to express this in my own work.

Sarah Coleman creates emotion and feeling in her work by using effective typography with small drawings around the outside. This illustration for the Notting Hill Carnival creates the pleasure and cheerfulness that can be felt when in presence of the carnival festivities. I admire her work greatly as I have always wanted to use typography as effectively as this.

Glenn James who I was lucky to meet recently , is a Gothic artist situated in Worcester. By using biro as his main medium he manages to create these atmospheric eerie illustrations. Like Burton’s work, The work of Glenn James seems to emotionally pull you into the scene. James greatly appeals to me as I to like to use biro as a main medium in my own work.

Although not classed as illustrators or artists in the traditional sense, the band The Tiger Lillies manage to create worlds of their own. The play “Shockheaded Peter” emanates emotion throughout as it can seem disturbing. The play, about cautionary tales for girls and boys would clearly shock and scare children and when watching it myself I felt the eerie atmosphere it created especially with Martyn Jacques voice ringing out for the narration. His voice alone produces the eerie emotion created in this play.

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